Featuring Dr James Grime. See https://brilliant.org/numberphile for Brilliant and 20% off their premium service & 30-day trial (episode sponsor). More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ How mathematics and probability cracked the puzzle of how many tanks were being produced by Nazi Germany during World War 2. James Grime: https://www.singingbanana.com More James on Numberphile: http://bit.ly/grimevideos Dr Grime on the Enigma Machine: https://youtu.be/G2_Q9FoD-oQ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile Numberphile is supported by Jane Street. Learn more about them (and exciting career opportunities) at: https://bit.ly/numberphile-janestreet We're also supported by the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile Our thanks also to the Simons Foundation: https://www.simonsfoundation.org NUMBERPHILE Website: http://www.numberphile.com/ Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Numberphile_Sub Videos by Brady Haran Numberphile T-Shirts and Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/numberphile Brady's videos subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/BradyHaran/ Brady's latest videos across all channels: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/ Sign up for (occasional) emails: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9